Please pray for the evangelical, Bible believing pastors, lay people, and organization leaders who are gathering at Northern Seminary for the American Baptist Evangelicals' A Summons to Lead conference September 23, 24th. I ask you to pray that we will have the courage, the will, the discernment, and the sense of urgency to make a decision that will restructure ABCUSA through our own evangelical organization. Those committed to preaching obedience to the written Word of God can wait no longer, we need action or might as well just give the denomination up for lost. Without reformation ABCUSA is nothing more than the Episcopal Church USA in Baptist drag. Pray that the A Summons to Lead conference will be our Wittenberg door, and that ABCUSA will be brought to a biblical worldview that conforms the relationship of the denominational leadership to the teaching of the Bible and the understanding of the majority of our churches. Pray!
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